………is it really hard to survive in this world? Why there are so many hatreds among people? Hatred on class, caste, color, religion, philosophy, ideology, different life styles, and GENDER becomes unbearable. You may wonder about the capitalization of word GENDER. This article is about the hatred on gender which resultant in the double marginalization of women in the male centered society. As the word equality implies that the equal opportunity for both gender based the cognitive ability, it also means that both gender has the freedom to explore, develop and create opportunity to the opposite sex in the world where their actions results in developing both gender in the society. But is it possible to get equality in the society which was created by male for a very long period of time.

In the book SITA, Amish portrayed Sita as a warrior where most of the epic shows her as a docile, weak and submissive to Ram. But this made me to rekindle the history on when the world changes into male centric and women’s role in literature, household is to satisfy the male ego. Is it really a woman’s job to cleanse the sins of man? Has she always admitted to the rules which was created by male where they could enjoy all the pleasures but the pressure has always been transferred to woman? When could the time reverse and retaliate things and make things normal out of chaos?

Recently I had a conversation with one of my friends that she has been taunted by her own parents and in laws of not providing enough love and support for her child. Her child is just one year old and she has been doing all the chores, getting few helps from her husband. But in this case, we can think on why she has been taunted, mortified, and humiliated? As a human both men and women have different anatomy  she delivers a baby  after enduring so much physical pain so sometimes she may get distressed on certain things but why does the society expect a woman to put a fake smile? Why does she have to be perfect in the imperfect world? Why does she has to pretend that she is fine after enduring all the flagellation? Why she has been glorified for the sacrifices she makes in the family? Why she has been given extra credits if she takes care of the family?  Even the tales of God which we hear from child where male centric for instance Buddha left the palace in search of knowledge what if Yashodhara took the same decision and left her husband and her son for knowledge? How would the world have reacted? Obviously, the repercussion would be bitter and tainted her moral behavior. So from the ancient time to the 21st century where women attained few freedom like allowing to get education and allowing them to work outside the house and reservation, maternity leave in companies but isn’t it enough? Nope the world needs the change of mind not mere reservation, or few relaxation on certain rules created by the world created by men. People need to understand women doesn’t want freedom because no one has the authority to give freedom to anybody in the democratic world. She always has the freedom to choose and act in the competitive world.


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